Smart building, Phononic Vibes, the Italian startup, receives 550 thousand euros from the Poli360 fund

First investment for the venture capital fund created by the alliance between Politecnico di Milano and Venture Capital 360 Capital Partners, Poli360, focusing on Phononic Vibes, a startup that produces sound and vibration damping panels

Aggiornato il 04 Feb 2019

smart building

It seems they’re holding a Rubik cube in their hands, yet these are prototypes to create innovative panels capable of absorbing noise and vibration 10 times more than any material used to date. Their quality does not derive from the material they are made of, but from their shape, from their geometry, characterized by “periodic, repetitive series” that convey and scatter vibrations and noises. Meta-materials, structures whose properties do not depend on material but rather on geometry, are what the founders of the Phononica Vibes startup also studied at MIT in Boston and at ETH in Zurich, before coming back to Politecnico di Milano where they developed their own idea and created their own startup, which now, after several awards, has also collected its first investment from the Poli360 fund, the 60 million euro fund set up by Politecnico di Milano and the Venture Capital 360 Capital Partners company. 

Phononic Vibes was founded by Luca D’Alessandro, Giovanni Capellari and Stefano Caverni, and is now undergoing field trials, thanks to the partnership with leading companies, including Ferrovie Nord and Franke. 

Phononic Vibes panels (made of recycled material, among other things, with a view to the circular economy) can be used in smart buildings. Not only is smart management of energy consumption, connected houses and environmental protection, but also safety and livability. It can also be applied in the automotive sector, in the smart city, in the industrial sector. 

Articolo originariamente pubblicato il 04 Feb 2019

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